Rollebolle is the ideal landscape for young children from kindergarten (4 and 5 years old) learning to experiment with different playing materials and practising their moving skills.
The attractive tumbling materials are a real playground for toddlers.
These small children’s first contact with the project takes place within their classroomes, and consists of practising the “Rollebolle movement song”.
In a second phase, these children visit a sports hall, where they run, supervised by the teacher, a dozen of playing “areas” through a simple rotation system. Rollebolle ends by repeating the “Rollebolle movement song”.
Schools can register for this programme for a morning or an afternoon session. Up to 250 children can participate per session. Each group is divided into groups of a maximum of 13 children. The supervisor goes through the landscape together with the kids. Each supervisor obtains a manual explaining the different movements to perform together with the children. The same information is listed on the information boards at the start of each playing corner.